26 January 2016

Honoring my Favorite Japanese Ancestor "Nezumi Kozō Grave" at the Ekō-in Ryōgoku Tokyo

First Let me Introduced you about 'Nezumi Kozo' of Japan, from googling it on the web about him, Nezumi Kozo' are the name of Japan's famous thief from the 19th century. he stole money from rich people who earned in dirty ways and offered to poor people the long time ago. he regarded as the hero at that time.
 (credit from Pingmag)
last Obon in Japan which means "honor the spirits of one's ancestors"  (a.k.a お盆),  I give him a first visit of His gravestone in Eko-in temple around Tokyo,

 (credit from mapio.net)
and shave a piece of stone from his grave because it was thought and believed by many to to bring good fortune if you shaved off a piece of his stone grave. But now it is banned Since it gets smaller for a lot of people doing it on.

he also known as the Robin Hoods of Japan? because he risks his lives to help the common people.
he might not have the popularity in the World like we all know about Robin Hood in the cartoon and movie we used to enjoy, but he make up for it with awesome ninja skills and bags of rats.


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