26 December 2015

Self Treat for Christmas Eve at IL PINOLO French like Italian Restaurant

Sleigh bells are ringing, snow is soon to glistening, and restaurants are closing. With a good number of french, Italian and Japanese restaurants shuttered from Japan before Christmas until after New Year’s, it can be a challenge to find good places to eat during the festive period nearby Kawasaki, the IL Pinolo  french Italian restaurant inside La Citta Della Kawasaki Japan.
Address: 〒210-0023 神奈川県川崎市 小川町4-1 ラチッタデッラ 3F
Phone: 044-230-1033 (Reservation)
Sunday11:00 AM – 3:30 PM, 5:30 – 9:30 PM
Monday11:00 AM – 2:30 PM, 5:30 – 9:30 PM
Tuesday11:00 AM – 2:30 PM, 5:30 – 9:30 PM
Wednesday11:00 AM – 2:30 PM, 5:30 – 9:30 PM
Thursday11:00 AM – 2:30 PM, 5:30 – 9:30 PM
(Japanese New Year)
11:00 AM – 2:30 PM, 5:30 – 9:30 PM
Hours might differ
Saturday11:00 AM – 3:30 PM, 5:30 – 9:30 PM

(my table)
The menu is appealing and the prices not excessive by the admittedly high standards. The french bread partnered with olive oil was also good. The food was generally pretty decent.

I liked the taste all of this dishes, but generally speaking, the food lacks the wow factor that these prices demand. Without a doubt, the cooking is involves a great deal of work.

I liked the new langoustine and mushroom dishes in particular, but generally speaking the food lacks the wow factor that these prices demand. Without a doubt the cooking is technically accurate and involves a great deal of work, but some of the magic seems to me to be starting to look a bit threadbare in places. - See more at: http://www.andyhayler.com/blog/post/revisiting-some-old-favourites#sthash.ZGP8idlR.dpuf
I liked the new langoustine and mushroom dishes in particular, but generally speaking the food lacks the wow factor that these prices demand. Without a doubt the cooking is technically accurate and involves a great deal of work, but some of the magic seems to me to be starting to look a bit threadbare in places.
my favorite parts of the night "the DESERT"
the Menu and our Bill

(outside area of IL PINOLO)

18 December 2015

Just Being True to Ourself

This is not a short post about money if you are a smart person,  you will read it all the way through.

 if you don't have time to read this entire post right now,
bookmark this and/or print it out to read later.this could be help

I didn't grow up rich.that's why I'm here in other countries to look   and fight for the sake of living,
Maybe some of you too didn't either.

I wasn't exactly proud about what I am now! because I still do missing a lot of meals.
 if you're thinking how could I say this thing and write this post if I'm not yet been on this status? same of you too! I'm still on working to get a success life and still far from that way! I just want to share this all things if what's is inside of my mind, and I want to inspire somebody about my goal.
I heard a lot of talk about money when I was growing up in our village name (Sitio Punong). Mostly from my relatives, people there who said things


-- Money doesn't grow on trees
..we cannot pick money on the street

-- The love of money is the root of all evil

-- We might not be wealthy but at least, we're honest

-- Maybe it's just not God's will for me to have the lots of money

Ever heard those? I'll bet you have. You can probably

add a few I haven't heard before.

In fact, here's one that we've ALL learned. How do I know?

Because it's a constant theme in every movie, TV show and

the book you read:

==> Rich people are evil, mean, nasty and unethical.

Think about it:

Who's the bad girl in princess Sarah series?

The rich and brat girl Lavinia.

who's the brat girl in daddy's long legs?

the girl Julia!

Take a look at the movie Titanic: the ONLY "good guys" in that
the movie were the poor broke people down in 3rd class.

And who's the good guy in these stories? Always an orphan.

Always someone who's been mistreated. Always someone who

thinks money is unimportant or unnecessary.

And who were the rich people? The stupid, shallow, rich people

who were all up on first class arguing about whether to have mint

sauce on their lamb chops.

FACT: We are conditioned to believe that money is bad

and that being broke is somehow better.

Now, why I am posting this?

because I just want to be true to myself and get inspire to those who can read this to change the way we look on the money!

our mind is like a computer. It records everything.

from Hearsays, on people of our poor country home and village

And from the time that you and I were little, our brain

has been soaking up all these opinions about money

and wealth.

And even though they're completely untrue in their real life....

Think about it: if our goal is to be an honest, ethical, loving, caring

and generous person......

....and you believe that having money will make you evil, mean, nasty

and greedy....

…our mind will not let us take actions that might increase our

income. we sabotage yourself every time.

And we won't even know it's happening.

Get that? Really get that.

And we've probably experienced this. I know I have.


(Picture out this)

you're sitting at a stoplight and a beautiful

Mercedes AMG pulls up beside you. It's a $250,000


What's your first reaction?

would you content?

walking on the street and see those big and beautiful building seeing lots of fine and beautiful man/woman wearing on their Armani suits and you! you're wearing no name brand clothes?

or just having a window shopping on a doorway of Louis Vuitton shop, Chanel or chrome hearts shop?

"Look at that stupid rich prick people driving that Mercedes and Lexus' car.

He probably thinks he's better than everyone."

OR picture out this too

"your on a car" an amazing car!

Isn't it amazing that such a thing exists! I'll bet that

is an incredible thing to drive!"

If your response to simply seeing a person sitting in a

the car was to automatically label them as a mean, evil nasty


......what does that say about your attitude about money?


You're looking for a way to create more income. You want a better

life for your family. So you start looking for ways to do that.

You find one. You find an opportunity where people are making

tons of money and where they seem to be having a blast doing it!

It's an opportunity to break away from the herd and start living

the life you deserve.

But.....rather than jump in, you start saying things like:

"Hmm...it sounds too good to be true"

"If it's so good, why haven't I heard of it before?"

"I don't know...if I made that kind of money, I wouldn't know

what to do about the taxes."

"I don't know.....this looks like something I've never done before."

And -- SNAP -- just like that, without even realizing you're doing it,

you sabotage yourself and push away the very opportunity you were

looking for.

people go their entire LIVES in this cycle

of "almost breaking away" and then getting sucked back in.

It's tragic. It's the story of poverty. It's the story of mediocrity.

my boss and my business partner giving me an advice this!

to lived the life you deserved


You have to make friends with money.

You have to stop fighting against the very thing you're trying to get.

You have to be willing to see that money flows all around you.

You only need to find out where the money is going and get in

front of it.

You have to realize that money isn't good OR bad. It's neutral.

It's what you DO with money that makes the difference.

17 December 2015

When Days are Ugly for me and Lack of Confident

In life, there are two things! winners and losers, if one person's win doesn't always have to be someone else's loss.on my side! there's one thing that  always struggling me!  sometimes feeling down and lose of confident.why is it happening? why do we feel it? because we let others treat us down with their level. collecting some advice from my seniors friends and work colleagues was helpful also! but it's better to obtain this  with your own than to get it to others.
my ritual or routine to obtain confident is to  Look in the mirror and stare into my eyes. Holding eye contact with myself for 10 seconds and you will learn to admire yourself.

I Just relax and don't over worry, I think of enjoying life and never  let other people get me down or bothering me. I Always keep my head held high and so that my confidence will show.
remember this common saying:
"Confidence is the key to success so don't let others decide the ways by which you can be confident, let you decide it"

more ways:

Speak positively. When you hear yourself saying something negative about yourself, instantly replace it with a positive comment.
Always remember; Haters are motivators and if someone tries to put you down, it means you're above them!

"Do something for yourself" Do one thing you have been wanting to do, but are afraid someone else will not like. Dye your hair, get that new look, have a treat that you enjoy, go on holiday....whatever you do, do it for yourself, and practice not worrying what anyone else thinks about it.

Above all, be yourself and do not try to be someone you're not.
Don't let the rude comments get to you, you are beautiful and one of a kind. There's no one like you.

Don't look down on others and be over-confident -- it will bite you badly.
Try not to make your expectations of yourself too high, because unless you are sure you can achieve your goal, don't get down on yourself if you don't. Remember to try your best in everything that you do, and even if you don't succeed, at least, you had fun in the process.

Retrain your inner voice. In situations where you believe you lack confidence, realize that your inner voice is telling you negative things. You need to retain that inner voice to be positive at those times.

Listen to an inspirational or happy song that puts you in a good mood. Steer clear of sad or depressing music.

When you wake up in the morning, look into the mirror and tell yourself that you've made it this far in life and you're not going to let anything or anyone put you down.

Be thankful for what you have. A lot of the times, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence, is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it's emotional validation, good luck, money, etc.

By acknowledging and appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feeling of being incomplete and unsatisfied. Finding that inner peace will do wonders for your confidence.

Stop being a perfectionist. Nothing and no one are perfect.
High standards have their place —when performing brain surgery, for example — but your daily life is going to have pitfalls and flaws. Accept them as learning experiences and move on.
When you're in a group of people, make sure to join in the conversation! Above all, make sure to TALK to people, as long as you're not rude, you will become closer to them.

Develop a habit of positive self-talk for 7 days. After that, it will get easier. Add more of a conscious positive attitude each week for the next 3 weeks. After 30 days you have a new habit. After that, all you need to do is to maintain it.
Watch confident people carefully and see how they communicate, talk, walk, dress, etc. Try to incorporate that into your own style.

Consider attending leadership classes. Learn to take control of things. If you are in school, then consider running for a social position, such as a president of a club. The ability to lead others and respond to others' behavior under your leadership will help to bring you self-confidence.

My Simple Ways to Beautify Myself

There are two reasons why we women wearing makeup. first reason is women believe that through makeup usage it could possibly gain confidence,self assurance, self trust, social competence and comfort in terms of interpersonal relationship. the second and general reason are, women wearing make up to impress guys and sometimes insecurity to other girls.  almost women now cannot go without makeup, woman believe that they don’t look good enough without it.
but as a woman what should you do to still look beautiful and never get conscious to anybody without wearing make up? skipping make up now and then will save you a lot of time and money, and will improve your skin tone and make it look more radiant.  for all woman out there here are the basic tips for looking great without makeup every single day.

 if you want to look great without makeup you should always:

 -Drink a lots a lots of water- Drinking water also keeps skin hydrated and gives your face a healthier and  clear look. drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and enjoy tea from time to time, as countries rich in antioxidants and help your skin look fresh and young for a long time, even without makeup  

-Regular physical Exercise- Get your blood pumping in the morning with a light jog, workout or yoga.    Exercising makes you feel better, more active and way more attractive. Try to swim almost once a week for at least thirty to forty five minutes. This will allow movement of all portions of your body and limbs and keep your body toned and smart. To get better results, you can draft out a plan and find a partner who will be a motivation for you and join the gym on regular basis.
-Eating a good healthy food-  If you are healthy, your skin will usually look healthy too. A healthy and flawless skin cannot be achieved without healthy diet. So feed your skin well by eating a lots of healthy foods enough, to look beautiful without makeup.

 -Wash your face morning,day and night- Wash your face at least three times a day, but pay attention to the way you  wash your face, The key is to massage your wet face with soap until your whole face is covered by the foam. Massage in circular motions, so the soap deeply cleanses your pores. Then, rinse off with cold water and pat-dry your skin with the towel, so it dries your skin and keeps it clear and healthy, instead irritating it and causing darker spots or scars like rubbing the towel does.

 -Proper sleep is a must in order to look your best-
You will have to make sure that you are getting sufficient sleep every night because dearth of sleep can have an impact on your facial beauty. Lack of sleep will cause dark eye bags beneath your eyes and you will look tired and worn out. Also, you will have less energy for any activity you do and you will have laziness. To look beautiful and pretty, you must ensure at least eight hours of sleep each night or more depending upon your body. 

-Exfoliating the skin of your face and your body- For glowing skin you need to be religious about exfoliating weekly. Exfoliation is a great way to remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. It makes your skin look fresh, radiant, and restores the natural glow of your skin.

 -Exfoliate your lips at regular intervals- You need to take special care of your lips by Massage your lips with soap to make them very clean, exfoliate them with your toothbrush and use vaseline or other lip balms to give them a moisturized look.  

-Put your hair in good condition- keep your hair clean and tidy, get your hair a cut that fits well your personality, your face shape and your hair type, Wash your hair with a good shampoo and do not forget to apply conditioner after washing them. Shiny and healthy hair makes you look more beautiful

 -Take a cup of lemon water- There are so many benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning like it helps in digestion, keeps you hydrated, purifies blood and keep skin healthy.

-You Are Beautiful – Convince First Yourself- Think and believe that you have your own charisma and assert it with confidence among people instead of feeling shy before people whom you think beautiful. Understand and repeat it to yourself that you are pretty without makeup.  

-Take care your Eyebrows- enhance your eyebrows. Look yourself in your mirror and observe the shape of eyebrows. If they are over plucked and look thin, then grow them to make them thick. For that, you can apply natural coconut and olive oil on your eyebrows and do this regularly every morning.
(source: http://olwomen.com/)

03 December 2015

All About Fishing (1)

Aside from spending time on the internet and done blogging I decide to share one of my favorite things to do out of all this was fishing, Although it is mostly run by men and uncommon routine for a woman like me to get engaged so much to this manly things but, still hard to refuse any invitation from fellow fishing addict friend to go on this every time. fishing is really an interesting hobby who I really much recommended to all of you. I  am mostly in love to do the "Wall Fishing".

Wall Fishing means fishing beside the wall of any bay side parts or somewhere any wall along the bridge (example:) just point your rod with bait close the wall and let it drop slowly until it reaches the deepest parts of the sea ground. what's more interesting about doing fishing is the view of a place, you can enjoy the view around you and taking the photo while waiting for the fish to bite your lure or bait. but taking the selfie while doing fishing is really stupid things so take care before you doing that.

-Below are some shot from my fishing escapade surround Japan-
(fishing at 大黒海づり公園)

(fishing at 山梨県宍戸梅)

(fishing at 大黒横浜)